
Showing posts from March, 2019

Audience Profile

Tuesday 26th March 2019 K: about audience segmentation. U: how audience segmentation effects media products. BAT: conduct research and create an audience profile for your individual product. CO: Use media terminology throughout. ----------- Studying and cataloging audiences is one of the most important aspects of media production and media studies.  Every media product is targeted at specific audiences... however there are media products that are aimed at a MASS AUDIENCES - can you think of any products that have mass audience appeal? Media products that have a much narrower audience appeal are said to have a NICHE audience. Amongst some of these products are HOBBIE magazines,  even certain kinds of films and TV programmes. Name 5 ways in which audiences can be categorised. -Gender -Age -religion -social class -race/nationality  Why do you think it's important for media producers to categorise audiences? If they categorise audiences, ...


Tuesday 19th March 2019 Intertextuality  refers to creating references to any kind of  media  text through another media text the interconnection between similar or related works of literature the reflect and influence an audience's interpretation of the text. Ready player one, one of the most reference filled movies of 2018 involves things like Godzilla, Chucky and many other references that older generations would know. This is something that only people aged 20+ would most likely understand. The references in modern media is always ether really noticeable or not even the slightest bit.
Tuesday 19th March 2019 They are using a long shot that shows everything in the picture (the penguins) with edited. They are using quite cold colours but bright colours for the writing to make it stand out. This is clearly not real however everything complements each other - the background links to the cold colour theme-. The penguins are presented as happy and pristine (good conditions of living) where in some cases life as a penguin is very hard for example lack of food. The body language of the animal in the middle is very welcoming as his/her arms are stretched out like he/she is about to give you a hug. They are using a close up shot the the two birds with a very earthy background to start to hint about what the magazine will be about.there are a variety of colours to make it child appealing. Most of the colours link to each other as contrasting red and green which are quite festive colours. (finishing off last lesson)


Tuesday 5th March 2019 LEARNING OBJECTIVES K: The requirements for each of the briefs set by OCR. U: How to approach the chosen brief, including writing the statement of intent. BAT: Choose a brief and start planning what to write in the statement of intent. CO: Use media terminology (all areas of the theoretical framework) in your written and verbal communication. I'm going to be doing mine on interesting art and presenting it though a magazine.  I'm good  at using a range of camera angles and shots which may come in handy with my editing  of some art (  pictures I will paint/draw). I intend for my media knowledge to expand; more specifically my editing and vocabulary choices as I have never edited on Photoshop before. For example putting my work on a completely different background. I may include famous artists and how they may of inspired my work.    Key Information required in my Magazine Potential nam...