Tuesday 5th March 2019


  • K: The requirements for each of the briefs set by OCR.
  • U: How to approach the chosen brief, including writing the statement of intent.
  • BAT: Choose a brief and start planning what to write in the statement of intent.
  • CO: Use media terminology (all areas of the theoretical framework) in your written and verbal communication.
I'm going to be doing mine on interesting art and presenting it though a magazine. I'm good  at using a range of camera angles and shots which may come in handy with my editing of some art ( pictures I will paint/draw). I intend for my media knowledge to expand; more specifically my editing and vocabulary choices as I have never edited on Photoshop before. For example putting my work on a completely different background. I may include famous artists and how they may of inspired my work.   

Key Information required in my Magazine

  • Potential name for the production- Pigments of your Imagination 
  • Potential names of people you might work with- Myself I'm working on my own
  • Potential target audience for the production.  The brief already gives you an idea but you need to be more specific.  You need to cover gender, race, interests and socio-economic status.- Young girls about 11 who don't have a lot of money/parents struggling with economic issues (most things will be included)
  • Ideas for type of content - types of scenes, characters, artists, narrative, interviews, etc.- step by step on how to paint/watercolour 
  • Ideas for type of images and shots.- Close ups mainly and maybe a long shot.
  • Ideas for mise-en-scene for each of the images, video shots (colour scheme, locations, props, make up, hair, etc)- paints, palate, brushes, all bright colour schemes
  • Ideas for types of representations and stereotypes you might include in your production- A happy boy and girl holding artwork or a piece of my artwork with a few paint brushes on it .  

Some other ideas I can Include on the front cover...

  • Little images of art work I do Mainly themed on happy/ aesthetically pleasing to look at.
  • secrets on how to be the "new Picasso"?



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